I’m running out of time today! Monday’s are always busy and today was no exception. As I was running errands today, I kept thinking, what am I going to paint? I knew I needed something ‘easy’. (Good luck with that!) I started out with a couple of boring ideas, and decided to grab a snack before starting. Viola! There was the answer. Gorgeous deep purple grapes.
Initially, I planned to only paint for an hour. The timer went off and I was close, but not close enough. I managed to minimize my ‘fiddling about’ to about a half hour. Just enough time to photograph the painting, do this quick write-up and now head off to an appointment.
If it wasn’t for this 30 day challenge, I would not have painted today. (Of course, I should be working on my drawing and painting trees class – but I can do that while I wait at my appointment…I hope!).
I’m headed off to the mountains for the next couple of days. I will be painting and drawing every day, but I may not have internet access. If not, I’ll post when I return to the world of internet.
Oh, just because I was curious…I converted the image to black and white to see how the values held up. Isn’t it interesting how light the red actually is? It looks so dark in color.
To be continued…
Oh yeah, if you want to see all of my pieces created for the challenge (to date), you can head on over to Instagram or Facebook to see all of my posts together. And, use the hashtag #stradaeasel to see what others are up to in the Strada Easel Challenge. You can also click “previous post” to see the earlier paintings from last week. Enjoy!
What do you think?