Revisiting the Glow of Autumn

Spring has been filled with rain, sleet and snow.  Between painting en plein air, I have been revisiting the glow of autumn in the studio with an oil painting workshop.

Each year, I take thousands of photographs.  Some end up in the recycle bin, others I plan to use as reference photos.  Most often though, I move on to something new and rarely do I have the time to revisit a photograph.

Last week, under the tutelage of Margaret Jensen, I had the opportunity to revisit one of my favorite places, Bobcat Ridge and my favorite time of year, fall.  During the course of a three day workshop, we worked from photos, using the Alla Prima technique of painting wet into wet.

Painting alla prima presents several challenges the first being that layering requires a light touch.  Secondly, it’s easy to smear the paint or accidentally pull a bit of the wrong color into places it doesn’t belong.  What makes alla prima so wonderful is that it does pick up bits of the layers underneath.

Both paintings are now available at auction.  Click the photo or the link underneath to bid.

Around the Bend, oil, 8x10, landscape
“Around the Bend” Oil on Panel 8×10 © Nelia Harper


The second painting is just to the left, in the copse of trees.

"A Day of Rest" oil on panel, 8x10 © Nelia Harper
“A Day of Rest” oil on panel, 8×10 © Nelia Harper


Both are now available at auction.  When you click, you will be able to zoom in and see more details too.

Next week the sun returns and so it the greenery of spring!  All of the trees are blooming and soon the cottonwoods will be leafed out.  I’m looking forward to painting more green!

Happy spring!

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