What a year of plein air painting!
Starting in January, with temps below freezing and the wind whipping through the air, I ventured out to join the Northern Colorado group of Plein Air Artists of Colorado. Each Friday, we met in a designated site to paint regardless of the rain, sleet, snow or sunshine! Although, I didn’t make it every week (and there were times that I ventured out on my own or with one or two others). I’m grateful for the experience, the opportunity to learn from others, and most importantly the friendships that have been made.
Out of 50+ plein air paintings, I’ve chosen seven of my favorite pieces to share at the 3rd Annual “Chasing Light” Plein Air Invitational that will be held in Fort Collins.
You are invited to attend!
Featuring Plein Air, Landscapes, Flora & Wildlife
December 2nd-13th, 2015
The CCC, Carnegie Building, 200 Mathews Street, Fort Collins, CO
Gallery Hours 12:00-6:00 pm
Opening Reception
First Friday, December 4th, 6:00-9:00 pm

Participating Artists Include
Kevin Aldrich, Kay Borrett, Marilynn Brandenburger, Jenifer Cline, Ann Delzell, Susan Driver, Andrea Gabel, Mary Giacomini, Nelia Harper, Danna Hildebrand, Patty Hughes, Ken Knox, Margueritte Meier, Christine M. Torrez, Laurie Waddell and Laura G.Young
If you’d like to see us in action, there will be artist demonstrations on Friday and Saturday, Dec 4 & 5 and Dec 11 & 12 at the Carnegie Building. Demos will include oil, watercolor and pastel.
I hope you can stop by to see the show. Of course, if you prefer to skip the party, the gallery is open Wed-Sat 12-6 and the show runs the first two weeks of December. All of the art is for sale, directly through the artist. I’ll be posting my pieces online and in the shop over the next couple of days – just in time for holiday gift giving.
PS: The Rocky Mountain Woodturners Association will be there too!
What do you think?